Monday, August 16, 2010

Walk about ambulance's


I've officially started clinical placement with the District Ambulance Service of Colorado, Eagle. It is called the Western Eagle County Ambulance District or WECAD for short. Everyone is very welcoming and hospitable. It's very different to actually live in the ambulance, well it's only my second day here. I do want to try make it home but Australia is always called home for me. Second day, different shift, different crew. Its a little confusing but there all flexible. Especially an Aussie from Brisbane that is actually employed with WECAD, super small world!

So far, no call outs yet. It's all very relaxed, quiet and laid back. Nothing serious, which I kind of expected but I was hoping to do some interesting ones. Maybe my first cardiac arrest, but hoping too high for someones unfortunate event or situation. But yeah I'm always comparing last year's clinical placement, about how different it is out rural, especially in a community of Colorado. Low crime rates, healthy lifestyle, less aging population, man what a state!

Everyone is surprised that some more Aussies have come up to visit WECAD. So far so good, I'll leave it at that - short and simple :)



Joyce said...

You live in the ambulance?
Hope you'll get more exciting calls :)

translation service said...

Its a little confusing but there all flexible. Especially an Aussie from Brisbane that is actually employed with WECAD, super small world.

ThomsAllvin said...

Many problem are arrived so fast and unexpected like accident and many more .This time only emergency service are helpful for your help.

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